European Internal Security Fund / Sector Police Cooperation
The European Internal Security Fund / Sector Police Cooperation established under the new Programming Period 2014-2020.
The objective of the Fund is to contribute to maintaining a high level of security in the Union and, in particular, crime prevention, suppression of cross-border, serious and organized crime, including terrorism, and reinforcing coordination and cooperation between law enforcement authorities and other national authorities of the Member States, including with Europol or other relevant Union bodies and with relevant third countries and international organizations. In addition, the Internal Security Fund aims to improve the capacity of Member States and the Union to manage effectively the risks related to security and crises, prepare and protect people and critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks and other risks safety.
The Department’s responsibilities include analytical, monitoring and evaluation, including studies and threat assessments, risk and impacts, documented and aligned with the priorities and initiatives identified at Union level, in particular those adopted by the European Parliament and the Council .
- Legal & Regulatory Framework
- National Strategic Priorities
- National ISF Programme
- Document Drafts
- Completion & Evaluation Manual Forms
Tel.: (+30) 210 7473290, (+30) 210 7476057, (+30) 210 7476058 email: