European and Development Programs Division (E.D.P.D.)
1. Introduction of Division
According to the Article 9 of Law. 4332/2015, the European and Development Programs Division (E.D.P.D.) assumes the designated authority to exercise part of the functions of the Responsible Authority in the fields of the Internal Security Fund and the Asylum Fund, Immigration and Integration, as specified in Article 5 of delegated Regulation (EU) no. 1042/2014
2.Structure and Objectives
According to the Article 1 paragraph 2 of GG 1880/07.09.2015 the European and Development Programs Division (E.D.P.D.) is structured as mentioned below:
- Department of Planning and Evaluation of the European Internal Security Fund – Borders and Visas Sector
- Department of Planning and Evaluation of the European Internal Security Fund – Police Cooperation Sector
- Implementation Department, reporting, verification and certification of the European Internal Security Fund (Police Cooperation Sector & Borders and Visas Sector)
- Department of Planning and Evaluation of the European Fund for Asylum, Immigration and Integration
- Implementation Department, reporting, verification and certification of the European Fund for Asylum, Immigration and Integration
- Department of Coordination and Support
3. Recruitment
The necessary employees for the operation of the E.D.P.D are being recruited by the employees of Divisions of the Ministry of Citizen Protection (police officers, coast guarders, firemen and Civil Servants) and they are being seconded to the position for at least three years with a possibility of extension for another period of three years. Employees coming from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the same Division can also be seconded, as determined by the common decision of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Citizen Protection.
A higher officer of the Hellenic Police is placed as chair of the Division.
- Programming Period 2007-2013