HomeVoulgarakis 200429-09-2004: Speech by the Minister of Public Order, Mr. Giorgios Voulgarakis at the conference of the O.A.G.

29-09-2004: Speech by the Minister of Public Order, Mr. Giorgios Voulgarakis at the conference of the O.A.G.

Athens, September 29, 2004

The phase of the Paralympic Games ATHENS 2004 having come to a favourable end, we are in the delightful position to announce that the mission in the sector of security, which was taken on as a country, has been completed with absolute success.

We have succeeded in a difficult undertaking and for this reason have received thanks and congratulations from the world over.

We were called upon by the international community to ensure a safe Olympic environment, in volatile conditions of total instability, particularly after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, at which time the danger factor within the international community rapidly increased.

As the organizing country we sought international cooperation practically from the outset of the planning of Olympic Games Security to ensure the fullness and efficiency of the plan.

We sought the necessary experience and know-how with an aim to appropriately apply our scheme. With the recommendations of the Olympic Advisory Group (O.A.G.) we ensured a framework of cooperation to succeed in this aim.

As an institution the O.A.G. made up a collective advisory body with no operational role. Seventeen (17) conferences have been held in total beginning in 2001 and concluding today.

In the framework of cooperation with the O.A.G. via know-how which was transmitted, training that was provided and the experience acquired, the needs of the system of Olympic Games Security were essentially covered along with any additional anticipations of the Greek security services.

The total know-how and experience which has been acquired constitutes an essential investment for Greece. Establishing the basic tool which will be utilized, after the Olympic Games in the fields of crisis handling, internal security and the handling of exceptional crisis situations that may arise from incommensurable threats or natural and technological catastrophes.

The extensive fluctuations and the high level of instability in the international system of security demand we maintain a continuous state of readiness, not just as a state but also as an international community. As a result of the multiple tragic events which have taken place recently in various parts of the world, we are reminded of the level of danger in the international community and that international cooperation is imperative to face the new incommensurable threats.

We view our cooperation with O.A.G. as entirely positive. We are particularly satisfied and consider the results of this cooperation to stand as a prototype and a point of reference for the planning of global athletic events in the future.

The continuous global terrorist activity means we must maintain a high state of readiness and continuous vigilance, aiming at absolute cooperation within the international community in facing this new phenomenon. For this reason we remain open to further proposals for discussion, co-operation and undertaking of joint activity.

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