HomePress Release 2006Press Release February 200628-02-2006: Chiefs of the Hellenic Police Force and the Fire Brigade

28-02-2006: Chiefs of the Hellenic Police Force and the Fire Brigade


Athens, 28/2/2006
Following the decision by the Governmental Council of Foreign Affairs and Defense (KYSEA), Police Lieutenant General Mr. Anastassios Dimoshakis shall undertake the position of Chief of the Hellenic Police Force and Police Lieutenant General Mr. Andrew Kois shall undertake the position of Chief of the Fire Brigade.
Police Lieutenant General Mr. George Aggelakos had occupied the post of Chief of the Hellenic Police Force from 05/10/04 up to the present day and Police Lieutenant General Mr. Christos Smetis had occupied the post of Chief of the Fire Brigade from 20/04/04 up to the present day.
It is reminded that Police Lieutenant General Mr. Anastassios Dimoshakis had been assigned to the post of Head of General Staff of the Hellenic Police Force Headquarters as of 05/10/04 and that Police Lieutenant General Mr. Andrew Kois had been assigned to the post of Vice-Chief A` of the Fire Brigade as of 21/04/04.


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e-mail: elasgrty@mopo.gr

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