HomePress Release 2006Press Release February 200627-02-2006: The Ministry of Public Order hosts an international conference on the fight against corruption in the context of...

27-02-2006: The Ministry of Public Order hosts an international conference on the fight against corruption in the context of the BRDO process (Athens, 28/2/06 – 1/3/06)

Athens, 27/2/2006
An international conference on corruption, organized by the Ministry of Public Order, shall take place as of tomorrow 28/02/06 up to 01/03/06 at the premises of the Greek Police Officers` Academy in Thrakomakedones in the context of the BRDO process.
This is the first meeting of the Heads of the Operational Agencies competent in the field of the fight against corruption of countries participating in the BRDO process. In particular, the following Heads of Operational Agencies fighting against corruption shall take part in this conference:
  • Austria,
  • Albania,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina,
  • Greece,
  • Italy,
  • Croatia,
  • Hungary,
  • FYROM,
  • Romania,
  • Serbia-Montenegro,
  • Slovenia,
  • Turkey.
Furthermore, representatives from the UN, the Council of Europe (GRECO), the European Commission (OLAF), Eurojust, Europol, Interpol and the Stability Pact have also been invited.
The General Secretary of the Ministry of Public Order shall declare the official opening of this conference, the main topics of which will be the following, among others:
  • Corruption in general,
  • Dealing with corruption in participating countries,
  • International legislative framework to fight corruption.
At the ends of the meeting, conclusions shall be drawn on the measures needing to be implemented by the participating countries so as to fight corruption.
This meeting is being held thanks to an initiative undertaken by our country and marks the continuation firstly of the Ministerial Conference that had taken place in Slovenia on 27-28/10/05, on illegal immigration, organized crime, corruption and terrorism and secondly, of the BRDO Process Action Plan (2005/2006).
It is reminded that the BRDO Process began in the city Brdo pri Kranju of Slovenia in the year 2001 and it is a form of regional cooperation developed between the countries of Central and East Europe (Austria, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYROM, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia and Turkey) aiming at organizing meetings so as to best deal with Illegal Immigration, Organized Crime, Corruption and Terrorism.
For more information:
Tel: +30 210 69 77 505
Fax: +30 210 69 29 764
e-mail: elasgrty@mopo.gr

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