HomePress Release 2006Press Release February 200622-02-2006: The Minister of Public Order meets with the US Ambassador

22-02-2006: The Minister of Public Order meets with the US Ambassador

Athens, 22/2/2006
The US ambassador to Greece, Mr. Charles P. Ries paid a visit today (22-2-06) to the Greek Minister of Public Order, Mr. Vyron Polydoras.
The General Secretary of the Minister of Public Order Mr. Leonidas Evaggelidis, the Chief of the Hellenic Police Force, Police Lieutenant General Mr. George Aggelakos and officials of the US Embassy also attended this etiquette meeting.
Mr. Charles Ries congratulated Mr. Vyron Polydoras for undertaking the post of Public Order Minister and wished him all the best in his work.
The talks emphasized on the very good bilateral cooperation that had taken place in view of the secure organization of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and in order to fight terrorism and organized crime.

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