HomePress Release 2006Press Release January 200622-01-2006: Policy against Crime - Objectives and Priorities of the Hellenic Police Force for the year 2006

22-01-2006: Policy against Crime – Objectives and Priorities of the Hellenic Police Force for the year 2006

Athens, 22/01/2006,
The Hellenic Police Force Headquarters has set the main pillars of the policy against crime as well as the goals and priorities of the Hellenic Police Force for the year 2006.
The main strategic objective and the spirit of the policy against crime have been reflected in the phrase: “A modern and effective Police Force standing by the citizen”. This constitutes the main principal for the year 2006 as well.
The policy against crime, both for the previous years and for the year 2006, has been planned following the process of studying and analyzing crime information, scientific studies, opinions of social institutions and international experience. Moreover, the efficiency and the performance of Police Services have been examined, taking into consideration the views and suggestions formulated by the Heads of Services and Departments on the particularities and special needs in their areas of responsibility.
The priorities of the policy against crime for the year 2006 are the following:
  • Fight against organized crime,
  • Fight against drugs,
  • Dealing with petty crime,
  • Road safety,
  • Fight against human trafficking aiming at their sexual and financial abuse,
  • Dealing with illegal immigration,
  • Protection of minors,
  • Execution of pending condemning court decisions,
  • Seizures of fire arms, ammunitions, explosive devices and checks on whether safety conditions are met during their legal transport and stocking,
  • Improve the citizens` everyday life.
Quantitative objectives shall not be determined regarding the priorities of the policy against crime. By way of exception, either at the local or the central level, quantitative objectives shall be fixed in order to assess certain concrete actions. 
For instance:
Α. Public Safety
Partial quantitative objectives shall be fixed by local General Police Directors, related in particular to offences, such as:
–         Thefts,
–          Robberies,
–          Breaking into residences,
–          Vehicle thefts,
–          Sexual abuse etc.,
Not to mention other forms of crime, in proportion with the particular problems of crime each region is faced with, so as to reduce the number of crimes committed and enhance effectiveness in the investigation domain.
Β. Road Safety
The principal objective is to reduce – in comparison with the year 2005 – by 7% the number of dead and injured and to increase by 10% or 20% the number of checks for intoxication, excessive speed, driving without a license and use of seat belts and motorcycle helmets.
C. Illegal Immigration
Partial quantitative objectives shall be set by local General Police Directors, in order to increase the number of arrests of:
– People facilitating the illegal immigration attempts of foreigners into our country (entry, trafficking), who participate in organized networks of illegal trafficking in Greece and abroad.
D. Quality of Life for the Citizens
The main quantitative objective is to keep to the same level as in the year 2005 the number of controls for noise pollution.
Partial quantitative objectives are set according to the judgment of local General Police Directors, on the number of controls and of infringements regarding noise pollution, fully utilizing all the available sound-measuring devices.
Ε. Infringements of the Law on Weapons
Partial quantitative objectives are set according to the judgment of local General Police Directors, on the number of confirmed infringements of the law on weapons and of seizures of ammunitions, fire arms and explosive devices, taking into consideration the quantitative information of the year 2005 and the special conditions prevailing in each region.
In order to achieve all objectives and to set the priorities, integrated action plans have been drawn up, harmonized with the special conditions and particularities in each region and adapted to the staff and equipment potential of our Services. 
For instance, among others, the following actions shall continue in the year 2006:
  • Police squads for controls and campaigns (general and special) shall continue to be formed in order to act at the local level or at the level of prefectures and prevent or crack down crime.
  • Patrols on foot and in vehicles shall take place on a target-oriented basis, according to local particularities and the geographical distribution of crime.
  • The Squads for the Prevention and Suppression of Crime shall continue to be active, so as to best support Police Services and best deal with special or increased problems of crime.
  • The pilot scheme of the “Neighborhood Police Officer”, shall continue to apply in:
– Thirty five (35) Police Departments of Attica,
– Seven (7) Police Departments of Thessalonica,
– Thirteen (13) Police Divisions in the entire territory (Alexandroupoli, Rodopi, Xanthi, Kavala, Drama, Ioannina, Evoia, Fthiotida, Corinthia, Messinia, Argolida, Herakleion, Achaia).
  • Minor-oriented actions shall be developed aiming at their protection from the consequences of illegal use of alcohol, drugs and from their participation in criminal groups. In this context, training activities shall be organized for the competent staff.
  • Actions shall be implemented in order to deal with illegal trade; the Hellenic Police Force shall take part in the joint control squads together with employees from the Ministry of Economics and Finance, the Ministry of Development, the Municipal Police etc. It should be reminded that a memorandum of cooperation has recently been signed between the Hellenic Police Force and the Piraeus Municipal Police, whereas in the year 2004 a similar memorandum was signed with the Athens Municipal Police.
  • Cases of organized crime shall be investigated thoroughly and in particular, those related to illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, fully utilizing international cooperation and international police agreements, whereas specialized seminars shall also take place to best train police staff.
  • In order to improve the daily conditions of life for the citizen, administrative procedures shall be simplified, among others, whereas the time of response to the citizens shall be reduced on an everyday basis.
  • Road traffic patrolling of the road network and of the Patra-Athens-Thessalonica-Evzoni national road in particular, shall be intensified, with the active participation of National Road Police Departments that have been operating since March 2005 and of others about to start operating in the year 2006.
  • Special attention shall be paid to the smooth operation of the Passport Division of the Hellenic Police Force Headquarters, given the fact that as of 1-1-2006 this is the competent Division for issuing the new Hellenic passports, and of the Offices for Issuing of Identity Cards, since as of 1-11-2005 and after modernizing the relative legal framework (18-10-2005), identity cards are issued on one day, on condition that the interested people have produced all necessary supporting documents.
As of tomorrow, Monday (23-1-06) up to 30-1-06, the account of the year 2005 and the presentation of local objectives and priorities for the year 2006 shall be made at the headquarters of the Police Divisions in the entire territory.
For more information   Tel.  :   +30 210 6977505
Fax  :  +30 210 6929764
e-mail  :  elasgrty@mopo.gr

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