HomePress Release 2006Press Release January 200615-01-2006: The Chief of the Hellenic Police Force on an official visit to Bavaria (Munich, 16-18/01/2006)

15-01-2006: The Chief of the Hellenic Police Force on an official visit to Bavaria (Munich, 16-18/01/2006)

Athens,  15/01/2006
The Chief of the Hellenic Police Force, Police Lieutenant General Mr. George Aggelakos accepted the invitation by the General Director of the Bavarian Ministry of Home Affairs Mr. Waldemar Kindler and shall travel tomorrow (16/1/06) to Munich for an official visit.
The Chief will be joined by officials from the Hellenic Police Force Headquarters.
The following issues, among others, will be addressed during the meeting:
  • Transfer of experience and know-how acquired by the Public Order Ministry from planning and implementing the Athens 2004 Olympic Games Security Model,
  • Police cooperation between the two countries in view of the World Football Cup taking place in Germany in June 2006.
This visit takes place in the cooperation framework put in place by the Ministry of Public Order with countries about to host important sports events, given the fact that Germany will be organizing the 2006 World Football Cup.
 For more information   Tel.  :   +30 210 6977505
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