HomeVoulgarakis 200609-01-2006: Speech by the Minister of Public Order Mr. George Voulgarakis at the opening ceremony of the Passport Division

09-01-2006: Speech by the Minister of Public Order Mr. George Voulgarakis at the opening ceremony of the Passport Division

Your Excellency, President of the Hellenic Republic,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Ladies and gentlemen,
This is a great day for us, because this challenge had been pending for a long time. Greece was one of the few countries who could not issue safe traveling documents in the way determined by the international community. In today?s extremely tense international environment requiring more and more safety in traveling documents and traceability worldwide, this has made the Greek citizens feel like the underdogs in comparison with the other European citizens and everyone else who was provided with such safe traveling documents.
Today we have the passports recognized as safe by the international community. The new Hellenic Passport is provided with evolutional features, so that it can always achieve the objectives set by the international community, in order to have a safe recognition of traveling documents. So this is a great day for us, since today we can give the first new passport to the first citizen of the country.
Your Excellency, Mr. President, let me express on behalf of the Hellenic Police Force our great honor and joy to have you here with us once again and allow me to hand over to you the first new Hellenic Passport issued by this Agency.

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