We would like to express our strong support to the British people together with our deepest sympathy to the injured and the families of the victims from this atrocious terrorist attack that occurred in London today.
I contacted the British Ambassador in Greece, following the orders of our Prime Minister, to let the Ambassador know how appalled we all are from today?s tragic events. In addition to that, I informed the Ambassador that the Ministry of Public Order is willing to make available its highly-skilled staff and adequate resources to help deal with this situation, if asked to do so, and if this is considered to be useful by the British Government.
The British Ambassador after extending his gratitude stated that he would share our feelings of sympathy and support with the British Government.
Today, it has become obvious once again and, indeed, in the most of ways, that international terrorism is a threat to all of us. Beyond all national efforts deployed so as to deal with this global threat, international cooperation in a context of mutual respect and trust is also all the more needed. This is the only way to make sure that there will be no other innocent victims from such blind-folded and unreasonable terrorist attacks.
I would also like to add that I will be traveling on an official visit to London next week and I will then have the opportunity to discuss with my counterpart, the competent Minister, issues of bilateral cooperation as well as various other issues regarding the British Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Journalist: After the attacks in London, which measures shall we adopt here in Greece to deter such a possibility?
Minister: Greece is an extremely secure country and this has become clear in all too many occasions. Those willing to choose Greece to be their traveling destination should know that. Moreover, additional measures have not been considered necessary, because, according to our assessment of the situation, such an action is not required for the moment. Let me also say that the British Embassy and other British buildings had already been included in the highest positions of our priorities? list, in terms of potential threats against them, and therefore, the Hellenic Police Force has always monitored closely these premises; that is why no additional security measures need to be taken. I would also like to add that we opened a permanent communication channel by telephone with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Press Minister and, needless to say, with the Prime Minister, in order to assess the situation in Greece. No additional measures need to be taken in Greece. Greece is a very safe country.
Journalist: Was there any information in Europe and in Greece regarding these attacks in London?
Minister: You must be well aware, I suppose, that this kind of information cannot be announced. These matters belong to the interior affairs of each country. Each country proceeds to its own evaluations and assessments. What we should all bear in mind is that international terrorism does not stop at the frontiers of any country, it does not concern specific people only, nor does it relate with certain groups of people only; on the contrary, it can extend to all latitudes of the globe and touch all people on earth, and this is obviously something that cannot remain unanswered. Thank you very much.