HomeVoulgarakis 200507-03-2005: Message of the Minister of Public Order on the occasion of the World΄s Day of Women

07-03-2005: Message of the Minister of Public Order on the occasion of the World΄s Day of Women

The Day of Women should be more than a symbolic day of commemoration. It should, indeed, represent the starting point of our thinking, an opportunity for all of us to follow closely the cause of women emancipation. Women have come a long way down the road of gaining and establishing an equal position in all fields of modern life. They have proved that they can become a dynamic source of life, a fresh collective impetus for our society.

In this context of woman?s equal positioning and action at all aspects of our society, it is of paramount importance to encourage and substantially support the dynamic presence of women in the ranks of the Hellenic Police Force.

Women first joined the Security Forces in the year 1969. Huge steps have been made eversince regarding their establishment on equal terms in all departments of the Hellenic Police Force. We can now safely say that women enjoy equal treatment and receive equal opportunities as far as entry into the Force, training and career possibilities are concerned, a fact deriving from the nature of a progressive and modern Police Force.

It is our goal to prove in practice and on an everyday basis our respect and trust in the unlimited potential of women and to trace together, truly equal, our route for a better tomorrow.

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