HomePress Release 2006Press Release February 200606-02-2006: Identity card issuing has now been made easier by Police Services to the benefit of workers and students

06-02-2006: Identity card issuing has now been made easier by Police Services to the benefit of workers and students

Athens,  06/02/2006
In order to improve the services offered by the Hellenic Police Force to the citizens, the Identity Card Issuing Offices will be open on afternoon hours every Wednesday so as to make it easier for citizens to have their identity card issued. The morning hours shall continue to apply on the other days of the week.
In particular, Identity Card Issuing Offices shall be open from now on every Wednesday from 14H00 to 20H30 so as to facilitate citizens that work in the morning.
Furthermore, every Saturday from 08H00 to 13H00 Identity Card Issuing Offices shall be open exclusively for students.
It should be pointed out that in order to serve citizens in the best and safest way the legislative framework regarding the issuing of an identity card was recently (18-10-2005) modernized, whereas as of 01-11-2005 Identity Cards are being issued on the same day, on condition that the interested parties have produced all necessary supporting documents.
 For more information   Tel.  :   +30 210 6977505
Fax  :  +30 210 6929764
e-mail  :  elasgrty@mopo.gr

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