HomePress Release 2006Press Release February 200601-02-2006: Conference on "Security and Defense in the 21st century" jointly organized by the School of National Defense and...

01-02-2006: Conference on “Security and Defense in the 21st century” jointly organized by the School of National Defense and the School of National Security (02-02-2006)

Athens,  01/02/2006
The School of National Defense in cooperation with the School of National Security organizes tomorrow (2-2-06) at 08H00, at the War Museum of Athens (Vas. Sofias & 2, Rizari st.) a conference on “Security and Defence in the 21st century”.
The Political and Operational Leadership of the Ministry of National Defence and of the Ministry of Public Order have been invited to this conference, as well as high-rank and top-rank officials from the Hellenic Police Force and the Armed Forces.
The following officials shall address the conference: The Chief of the National Defense General Headquarters, Admiral Mr. Panayotis Hinofotis and the Chief of the Hellenic Police Force, Police Lieutenant General Mr. George Aggelakos, whereas the Director of the School of National Defense, Vice-Admiral Mr. Evaggelos Korovessis as well as the Director of the School of National Security, Brigadier General Mr. George Tsekouras shall declare the opening of this conference.
The following speakers shall make presentations in this conference:
  • Professor of Panteion University, Mr. Gerasimos Karabelias,
  • Expert on International Affairs, Mrs. Meri Bossi,
  • Retired Hellenic Air Force Lieutenant General, Mr. Evaggelos Georgoussis,
  • Professor of the University of Athens, Mr. Theodoros Kouloumpis,
  • Head of Research of the Hellenic Foundation of Defence and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Mr. Athanassios Ntokos,
  • Head of the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Ministry of Public Order, retired Police Lieutenant General, Mr. Vassilios Konstantinidis,
  • Professor of the Ionian University and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institution of Defense Analysis, Mr. Ioannis Mazis.
The topics to be developed are the following:
  • Society and State in the 21st century – Hellenic Armed Forces.
  • Issues related to political and religious terrorism in modern Europe.
  • Initiative and contribution of the Armed Forces in the creation of a safe environment in South East Europe.
  • Challenges facing the European Political Security and Defence and Euro-Atlantic cooperation – the role of the Armed Forces.
  • Revolution in military affairs – how the Armed Forces can benefit from recent technological developments.
  • Cooperation between the Armed Forces and non military services in the field of security and special needs – the case of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
  • National Security Council – Cooperation between the Intelligence Services in the context of the proposed National Security Council.
It is noted that this is the first time a joint conference is being hosted by the School of National Security of the Hellenic Police Force and the School of National Defense.
It is reminded that the School of National Security has been running since 1997 and is subject to the Police Academy of the Hellenic Police Force. Its mission is to provide further education and training to high-rank executives of the Hellenic Police Force regarding all issues related to the strategy and policy of national security. Furthermore, superior executives of the Armed Forces, the Fire Brigade and the Coast Guard may also attend the School as well as officials from the Cypriot Police Force and civil servants.
The School of National Defense has been running since 1950 and its mission is to provide further education in the field of the Defense Studies to Officials from the Armed Forces, the Hellenic Police Force, the Coast Guard and the Fire Brigade, as well as to executives of Ministries, Corporations and Companies of Public and Private Law, so that they can become competent executives, able to handle sensitive issues related to national defense. In addition to that, foreign officials may also attend the School of National Defense.
For more information   Tel.  :   +30 210 6977505
Fax  :  +30 210 6929764
e-mail  :  elasgrty@mopo.gr

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