HomeEvangelidis27-03-2006: End of the 7th meeting of Home Affairs and Public Order Ministers of the BSEC countries (Bucharest, 24/03/2006)

27-03-2006: End of the 7th meeting of Home Affairs and Public Order Ministers of the BSEC countries (Bucharest, 24/03/2006)

Athens, 27/03/2006
The 7th meeting of Home Affairs and Public Order Ministers of the countries belonging to the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, that had taken place on Friday (24-3-06) in Bucharest, Romania, reached an end. The General Secretary of the Ministry of Public Order, Mr. Leonidas Evaggelidis, accompanied by Ministry officials, represented Greece in this conference.
Ministers of Home Affairs and Public Order, Deputy Ministers and Ambassadors of the BSEC member states attended the meeting. Furthermore, representatives from the US, Israel, Belarus, Italy, Poland and Germany took part in the conference as observers. Representatives from Poland, Ireland, Japan, the SECI operational center, the European Commission, the UN office for drugs and the International Organization of Migration attended the meeting as guests. The Minister of Home Affairs of Romania, Mr. Vasile BLAGA, called the official opening of the conference.
During the meeting, the Ministers and the Heads of Delegations:
  • Positively evaluated the cooperation up to the present day of the BSEC member states in fighting crime,
  • Adopted the joint declaration for enhancing cooperation between the BSEC member states in order to fight organized crime, corruption and terrorism,
  • Were briefed on the additional protocols for liaison officers and terrorism officers, calling the BSEC member states that have not as yet ratified those protocols to do so as soon as possible.
Moreover, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the BSEC and the IOM.
Last but not least, in the context of implementing what was decided in a Joint Statement by the Home Affairs and Public Order Ministers of the BSEC, which had been held in Athens on 3-12-2004 regarding the fight against human trafficking, the proposal of General Secretary Mr. Evaggelidis for conducting a relative training seminar in Athens for the BSEC countries, was accepted.
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