HomeVoulgarakis 200612-05-2006: Message from the Minister of Public Order on the occasion of Mother`s Day (14-5-2006)

12-05-2006: Message from the Minister of Public Order on the occasion of Mother`s Day (14-5-2006)


Athens, 12-5-06

On Mother`s Day

Mother’s day gives birth to our most noble feelings. The act itself, the fact of bringing into life new human beings, the absolute example of dedication and tenderness to the children, the shell of this protective love covering the children until they reach a very old age, even when the mother has gone, are some of the components of this inextricable link between a mother and a child and make us eternally respect the figure of the mother.

The mother of today, the working mother, the police agent mother, the fire fighter mother and the Ministry employee are all figures worth of the deepest respect and honor. They are guarding the Gates of our land, by bringing up their children, by inspiring them with our values, by giving them all the necessary to survive in the world, by supporting their homes in a hostile environment. I have an immense respect to all mothers, police agents and employees.

Vyron G. Polydoras
Minister of Public Order

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